Bid Pro App vs. BidPanther App for QuiBids – Which QuiBids App is Better

BidPanther Vs. Bid Pro App for QuiBids

Bid Pro App for QuiBids has been on the scene and helped many people become QuiBids pros, but a new QuiBids app is out there called BidPanther. A good QuiBidder must employee all the tools available and Bid Pro App and BidPanther are two of those tools. We wanted to find out which was better and test both of them. After our testing we found that BidPanther can  do everything Bid Pro App can and much more. Let’s see how Bid Pro App compares to the newcomer BidPanther.

 BidPanther for QuiBids Vs. Bid Pro App

Instantly Know:

BidPanther vs. Bid Pro App

Bid-Pro-App vs. BidPanther for QuiBids


Bid Pro App

Total Number of Bids Placed by Each Bidder Regardless of When You Join In



Total Number of Bidders



Complete Bidder History



Historical Product Average



Other Bidders Color Coded Based on Bid Vouchers Used


See Which Bidders Bid Over the Retail Value


Bid-O-Matic Bid Counter for Each Bidder


Hot & Very Hot Selling Price


Straddle Entry Points


Remove Beginner (freebee) Auctions from Averages


Retail Mode (Averages Prices Based on Retail Value)


New Features Being Added



Waiting Period for Software


Unknown Waiting Period

Access to QuiBidsReport


No Detailed Reports




Summary: BidPanther Vs. Bid Pro App for QuiBids

While both products give you a serious advantage to winning on QuiBids, BidPanther by far out preforms Bid Pro App and for more than half the price. Not only do you get access to much more critical data with BidPanther, it is also much easier to read and more accurate. The Retail Mode that BidPanther is great now that QuiBids has move to the You Choose It auction format because it bases its calculations off of the retail value of the products rather than the specific product names. Both QuiBids apps plug directly into your browser which is great because the user does not have to install any new software and it makes the application completely undetectable by QuiBids.

QuiBids Bid-O-Matic Bid Counter & Bidder Voucher %

BidPanther added the Bid-O-Matic counter which counts the other bidders Bid-O-Matic bids and then resets after every 25 bids. For those of you who know QuiBids well, you know that you can only set your Bid-O-Matic to a max of 25 bids. This allows BidPanther users to spot confusion points which is something Bid Pro App does not do. Also knowing the other bidders’ voucher percentage helps a a lot too since the hardest bidders are ones with a war-chest of voucher bids. Each bidder is color coded based on their voucher percentage so it is easy to spot them. BidPanther is superior to Bid Pro App because of features like this and Bid Pro App does not stack up well in these areas.

Final Thoughts

Although Bid Pro App is great software, BidPanther has a robust set of features that really make winning on QuiBids much easier. The price tag for Bid Pro App is a real turn off especially compared to BidPanther’s free to try price model which is free for 3 days and $19.99/month after that plus you get free access to QuiBidsReport with your subscription. BidPanther also offers a basic mode which is totally free too. When you look at the price tag and the set of features that BidPanther offers it is clear it is the best QuiBids app and far superior to Bid Pro App. We recommend BidPanther!

2 thoughts on “Bid Pro App vs. BidPanther App for QuiBids – Which QuiBids App is Better

  1. Funny how much I invested this whole concept of enhanced analytics for penny auction sites ago over 4 years ago (for — remember that one?!) and how many copy cats like “Bid Panther” there have been (no pun intended).

    The reality is that BidProApp for Quibids is the original and still best — and *most reliable* — of all the services. Years of experience under the belt handling lots of concurrency and high volumes of data.

    I am honored by the comparison though — “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”, or so they say.

    Our exclusive membership list will gladly stay a relatively secret and select group of members — the REAL Pro bidders for Quibids — while the rest of these services struggle to stay afloat and stay up, much less provide a decent experience.

    I will say one thing, BidPanther isn’t down nearly as often as Bid-Ninja is, though! +1 for BidPanther there!

    1. Jason,

      BidProApp is great. We love your analytics. We have wanted to do BidPanther since QuiBidsReport launched back in 2011 so we are not just jumping in late.

      BidPanther is great for people who want analytics for a lower price.

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